Beliefs, Mission, and Purpose

Our Vision

Connecting to people and connecting people to Jesus.

This reminds us of our connection to God, to one another, and to connect others outside the church to Jesus.

Our heart is to be a place of Connection and we aim to find ways to make Connections outside the church.

The cross is the most powerful demonstration of connection. God’s love was shown to man there. Jesus made that CONNECTION and it transformed the world!

Jesus also left us with his Holy Spirit who cries out to bring the Connection of Heaven here on earth through His Church.

Our Values

Pray and Praise Powerfully: Prayer is the foundation of any church of Jesus. Prayer follows Jesus example. It puts the church in God's capable hands (Matt. 6:9-13; Jn 17). Through prayer God moves in ways that are supernatural, changes hearts, and gives guidance and direction. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man/woman is powerful and effective." (Jas 5:16) Praise and Worship are our prayer to God in song. God inhabits the praises of His people. During Worship we invite God's presence to speak to our hearts, draw us closer to Him, and remind us that He is The Living God.

Live Incarnationally: We let God's Word transform us. What we read we let God work out a growing change in us (Rom. 12:1-2). We want our lives to help others fall in love with Jesus. When they see God's grace, forgiveness, and transformation at work in us they believe God can do that for them too.

Practice Hospitality: We Welcome strangers like family (God "sets the lonely in families" Ps. 68:6). We enjoy taking care of one another, welcoming others into our homes, and are committed to making room for others with open hearts.

Give Generously: We are extravagant in our love and with the use of our time, talents, and financial gifts (Matt. 25:15; 2 Cor. 9:7). God has shown His generosity time and time again. Jesus gave Himself to serve and love well ("For God so loved the world, He gave..." Jn. 3:16). Jesus gave His life for us. We seek to spend our lives for Him. We believe our generosity will enable us to transform our communities.

Disciple Intentionally: We want to know more about God so that it will take us further up and further into all He has for us. We do this with a whole-hearted devotion (Mrk 12:30). We are disciples of Jesus, but we make Disciples also. Transgenerational discipleship is Jesus call to His church (2 Tim. 2:2). We choose to Find a Paul, Become a Barnabus, and train up a Timothy. We organically pursue a mentor, become one to someone else, and become encouragers in our every-day lives.

Engage Missions Globally: God calls us to Go, to Pray, and to Give so that other nations will come to know His salvation (Matt. 9:37; Matt. 28:18; 2 Cor. 9:7). We participate in God's mission by being missional where we live, first. We also support missionaries and church planters locally and abroad with prayer and finances so that Christ's mission to "make Disciples of all nations" is advanced beyond us into the world.

Our Mission

To be a Christ-Centered church in Word and Spirit devoted to loving God, one another, and our neighbors like Jesus.

Our Statement of Faith

As a Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, our Statement of Faith is that of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. To read the Statement of Faith tap or click on the button below.


  • At Riverwood Church, the service is approximately 80 minutes in length with both preaching and singing. Services begin with the Riverwood worship team leading the church in worship – song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage however you feel most comfortable. After the worship portion of service is complete, our pastor will come out to share his message. We end the service with more singing before dismissing everyone for the day.

  • We want you to feel comfortable coming to Riverwood Church. Feel free to wear whatever you’d like, just come as you are.

  • At Riverwood, we want to make sure we have something for everyone. Whether your little one is barely walking, or maybe they're not so little and they're about to graduate high school, we have something for them. Check the Kids page for newborns through 5th grade, and our Teen page for those in 6th through 12th.

Contact us.


Or email us at:


12000 Clinton River Road
Sterling Heights Michigan, 48313

We are so excited that you are interested in visiting Riverwood Church and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible. Let us know you're coming and ask any questions you might have. We would love to answer any questions that you have.